
Here’s a really stupid comic I made for this month’s Edinburgh League of Comics zine swap theme, ‘Totem’:








I made it into a few little A6 zines but I gave them all away so I don’t have a good one to photograph, oh well. You can see the rest of this month’s haul here!



My entry to the Edinburgh League of Comics’ December zine swap. The topic was ‘Melt’! I didn’t have a lot of time or creativity this month so there’s no fancy folding or stapling, just an autobiographical comic about a regular experience I have through the winter months. I love winter and I get a bit over-excited buying nice scarves and gloves and coats and jumpers, so it really annoys me when the temperature fails to drop to my expectations!

The Girl and the Sea mini-zine

I made a little mini-zine-thing out of an A4 sheet of paper. So on one side, it looks like this:

girlandtheseabookletwebThen it’s folded up into a booklet with 8 A7 pages, like this (this one’s folded kind of roughly, because it’s just a first try):

girlandtheseazinephoto girlandtheseazinephoto2 girlandtheseazinephoto3If you unfold the booklet and flip it over, there’s an A4 ‘poster’:

girlandtheseapostera4webAnd here’s the comic in full! You can click the images to make them bigger for a better view:

girlandtheseacomicpage1-2web girlandtheseacomicpage3-4web girlandtheseacomicpage5-6web girlandtheseacomicpage7-8web