

My entry to the Edinburgh League of Comics’ December zine swap. The topic was ‘Melt’! I didn’t have a lot of time or creativity this month so there’s no fancy folding or stapling, just an autobiographical comic about a regular experience I have through the winter months. I love winter and I get a bit over-excited buying nice scarves and gloves and coats and jumpers, so it really annoys me when the temperature fails to drop to my expectations!

Autumny Sparrows

It’s getting cold enough now for me to be thinking about scarves and jumpers and socks and gingerbread lattes (sadly still a couple of months away – counting down the days!) and all that good stuff, so here’s a pair of knitwear loving sparrows in celebration!
Also, it’s possible that my next children’s book for the iPad (first one coming soon!) will be about a sparrow… not a jumper wearing one, but still. Jumpers, sparrows, gingerbread lattes – lots to look forward to this autumn!

Not Long Now…

It’s pretty alarming to have to be thinking about Christmas already, but we’ve been asked to make Christmas cards in college (to sell in order to raise money for our end of year exhibition) so denial time is over. Here’s my design, probably.

It seems like more of the city is lit up and for longer every year – no tree must be left untouched! I feel a bit sorry for the squirrels and things that are just trying to get a good winter’s sleep.


I wanted to practise colouring a sketch digitally (since it isn’t something I do all that often), so I thought I’d do another one of these ‘What I Wore Today’ style self-portraits to try it out on. It’s been cold in Edinburgh today, really REALLY cold, and I’m too poor to turn the heating on already. So this is how I’ve been dressed all day, in the bear hat my aunt Janet bought me yesterday, massive socks that keep falling off and three layers of cardigans. Chain drinking tea just to keep warm – that kind of day.

I don’t LOVE working digitally, but I don’t hate it as much as I used to and I do understand why it’s a useful skill to have so… eh. I’ll keep at it.