

My entry to the Edinburgh League of Comics’ December zine swap. The topic was ‘Melt’! I didn’t have a lot of time or creativity this month so there’s no fancy folding or stapling, just an autobiographical comic about a regular experience I have through the winter months. I love winter and I get a bit over-excited buying nice scarves and gloves and coats and jumpers, so it really annoys me when the temperature fails to drop to my expectations!

Illustration Friday: Entangled

Doc - 24-10-2013 21-46 (1)

EVERYBODY PANIC! A wave of DEADLY spiders has INVADED the UK!! VENOMOUS false widow spiders have KILLED… well, nobody. But they gave a man a nasty BRUISE!!! AAAAARGH!!!!

And they’re making fraudulent benefit claims. Probably.

Meanwhile in Australia:

Just a stupid scribble for Illustration Friday this week, because spider hysteria is amusing me and it kind of fits the theme (but I don’t really have time to do anything better)!